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There may be the odd exception but for most of us, we did not come into this life to sit in seclusion and contemplate what life might want to send our way.

In general, our lives are meant to be lived and lived to the fullest.

Walk the road set forth for you. Follow your heart. Listening to the guiding voices that propel you along this journey’s never ending story.

The events you experience and the information you gain are specific to you. There are never any wrong lessons. There will be twists and turns. This is guaranteed, but there will be no mistakes. You will walk the road you have been brought into this life to walk. You will have company along the way some days but the full journey is yours and yours alone. There may be days that you feel alone and in many ways you are, but you are meant to share this life with others and gain from their knowledge just as they gain from yours.

Stay open to every experience. Do not pass anything by. Do not fight the process as each lesson is important. It can (some days) feel like a long road and these are the days that you can stand still and take a look at the beauty that surrounds you, feel the love that fills you and continue on.

Feel it. Live it. Experience it. Above all else, love it. It is your special life to live!

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