The trine is an aspect used in Astrology that is defined as two planets or angles (ascendant/midheaven with angles) being within 120 degrees from one another. There is an orb allowance of up to 8-10 degrees; therefore, the influence would be from 110-130 degrees apart. The closer the orb is to 120 degrees, the stronger the aspect’s influence.
The trine along with the sextile (60 degree aspect) and some conjunctions (0-10 degrees apart) are considered positive aspects in Astrology. In most cases, there is an easy flow of energies between the planets or angles involved in the aspect. The only planet that might cause some challenging situations would be Saturn, although a trine between Saturn and another planet usually suggests the ability to form concrete structures within the framework of the other planets energies or the angle in aspect.
The trine is considered a major aspect as are the conjunction, sextile, square and the opposition. The trine is considered a reliable and constructive aspect and when activated through transit or progression can usually be counted on to bring about a time of rewards for hard work or talents may surface during the aspect period. The trine works easily and you do not have the stress behind the planetary energies that some of the harder aspects present. People often take their trines and sextile for granted. You just know things will work and with little effort on your part.
People with many trines and sextiles in their Birth chart seem to have a horseshoe up their …. in their pocket and life always works well for them. When they are confronted with a challenging situation (unless they have some tight squares and oppositions in their Birth chart), they are caught off guard and have a real problem fixing the situation as they are not accustomed to the challenging energies brought on by transiting squares and oppositions (and some conjunctions).
Those with a great number of trines in their Natal chart and especially those with grand trines in their Birth Chart, do not have to change the structures in their lives often and the energies represented by the planets do not need adjustments. The energies flow naturally and without constraint especially when operating within the same element (Water, earth, fire and air).
Transiting trines and sextiles are what we wait for, as we usually have support in our efforts and things in life seem to fall into place. There is usually little challenge in making the area of life (house locations) work and fall into place. This is when you get rewards from life and what you have been doing seems to pan out in your favour. A trine between two planets through transit usually works out quite well depending on the aspect between the planets in the Birth chart. If there is also a trine between the planets involved in transit and in the Birth chart, the opportunities for a favourable outcome is heightened. If there is a square or opposition in the Birth chart but a trine in the transit or progression, you may have to work at it a little harder but the chances for success are stronger than if the transiting planet makes a challenging aspect.
The only problem with several trines or sextiles in the Birth chart is that things work so well that often the individual becomes reluctant to work hard when trying to reach their objectives. It is common that the individual will feel that things will work and quite often things will work out for them with little effort on their part. It is, however, much more productive and rewarding when you have to work at things to make life fulfilling. There are feelings that go along with a job well done and recognition is gained when we work hard to achieve.
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