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The moments slip away without notice when we are not focused until one day we stop and see the moments have turned into years. These moments are bitter sweet…filled with love and a sense of fulfillment but then we tend to long for more… more moments of new love, more moments of life’s beginnings, more moments of accomplishment and reward…..We can look back with love and yet there can be a touch of sadness.

The only moment we have is this one…..right now. Yesterday is but a memory….a good memory but just a memory. Tomorrow is only made up of hopes. Plan as we will but the moment will take the course that it must.

What does “right now” hold? What is here for you in this very moment…….this moment is what dreams and memories are made of. What are you doing to make these come true?

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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