Do you need a change?
At times we become complacent and although life seems very comfortable and familiar, we feel a need for change. Perhaps your job no longer gives you a sense of fulfillment, yet still provides you with adequate income. Perhaps you have noticed you are not feeling as good as you would like to and you want to make plans for healthier living habits. Perhaps you are in a relationship that no longer appeals to your needs and wants or you have just changed your attitude towards your partner.
What do we do when we are faced with these conditions? Are we to remain in a state of complacency? Do we take the chance and push forward in an unfamiliar direction? It can be frightening when we are forced to look at an unknown future, when we feel lost and unsure of which way to turn. In contemplation, it may feel safer to remain under the current conditions but is it?
Perhaps life will provide us with clues or show us the direction we should be headed in. Letting go and letting God may be our best response at times. Many times the answers come to us in many different forms when we let go of control and open ourselves to the moment. Some of us have been in a perpetual “out of control” state. Life might be suggesting that now is the time to gain control of our lives...... once again or maybe for the first time in our lives. We will have to be open to the indicators, to know our options and then make a decision.
Whatever we do, we should not jump or respond simply out of reaction. Take whatever time is necessary. Allow events to unfold. The outcome of our actions may be very eventful, and we will only know which way life will take us when the time is appropriate for true understanding.
Worry solves nothing. There truly are no such things as a mistake, although it may be the challenging circumstances that follow that make us feel this way. Life is meant to go the way it does. Have faith in the process and believe that your higher self knows what will best suit your growth. It will unfold as it should. We will face hurdles along the way but these are always valuable lessons. We will persevere and overcome. We will find ourselves walking in new directions for this is life’s progression.
Follow your inner guide, your heart and allow.
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