Jupiter in transit moves around the natal chart in approximately twelve years; therefore, it makes a conjunction to all your natal planets and angles over this period. Jupiter can have many conjunctions with your natal Neptune throughout your lifetime.
It is important to take into consideration the sign and house position of your natal Jupiter as well as your natal Neptune as this will clearly define the energy in play for the aspect focused on today. You should look at the natal positioning of Neptune by aspect to other positions in the chart as well. To get the overall picture take into consideration all transiting planets to the natal positions.
Jupiter is considered a very fortunate planet and often offers good luck, opportunities, and expansive growth. Its action is often what we wait for in daily life. Jupiter’s expansive energies are connected to growth in personal terms which can include goals and aspirations as well as material progress along with opportunities with your health and occupation.
When Jupiter is connected to Neptune (remember when we speak of a conjunction the energies always merge) the growth potential often brings spiritual advancement or recognition of these energies to the forefront. Many will receive these types of energies in more subtle ways through visions or dreams. Some will seek these energies through the use of drugs although it should be mentioned that reality and the real world are much more reliable and clearer in the end. Neptune can blur your vision and make things ambiguous especially when drugs are the source. Drugs alter your perception and are only there for the moment, while reality as you experience it through daily life is much more resolute, defined and stands the test of time.
Spirituality and things that have been hidden are now brought to the surface and you can access them more easily. Life’s philosophy can open into a new perception, and much can be taught during this time. Jupiter unless it is in its retrograde cycle moves about 1° every five days, so having an approaching orb of influence of about 5°, you can have this aspect in your life approaching and then direct for about one month and about ten days after it has been direct as it moves out of orb.
Neptune has also been linked to creativity and your artistic expression, whether this be through writing, acting, dancing or music as these are potential opening for further growth and expansion. Make sure you take advantage of these energies when they connect within your natal chart and watch things expand.
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