Transiting Jupiter turned retrograde on May 14, 2020 and will become direct once again on September 13, 2020. When planets, with the exception of Saturn, are in retrograde their energies are stifled and do not experience full and positive release of their energies.
Jupiter, even in retrograde, could still be referred to as positive energies although its fortunate conditions might not be as evident when moving in retrograde motion. Jupiter stays retrograde for about 120 days during its cycle and moves in retrograde from 10 to 20 degrees.
Jupiter will make a square to the Sun while the Sun is in Libra direct on October 10/11, 2020. The square often speaks about getting results from whatever was put into motion during Jupiter’s retrograde cycle. Squares push us ahead as a result of the need to work through situations because they can be challenging. If we accept that challenge, we can see the return from our efforts.
While Jupiter is direct and particularly so when it becomes stationary direct and falls within three degrees of a planet or angle in your chart, its energies are very positive and growth on some degree is often evident. Jupiter is stationary from September 12 through to the 14 and will be at 17 degrees in the sign of Capricorn. Check to see which houses are involved to get a clear picture of what areas of life will be involved, if any, in your natal chart.
Jupiter has to do with expansion and optimism and during the growth period while Jupiter is direct you can expect potential opportunities and Jupiter should bring good luck into your life. This, of course, depends on the area of life indicated in your chart. Even challenging links through hard natal aspects to this position will be somewhat softened due to Jupiter’s mighty influence. A feeling of good luck and fortunate conditions often prevails under this influence, and in many ways if we follow through, we might very well gain insight and advance during these times.
Jupiter can also indicate over-indulgence and in some cases promotes weight gain when connected to the Ascendant, or just a general feeling that we cannot do anything wrong. Cautious optimism might be what is needed especially if connected to Saturn and perhaps this is a time to recognize authority or situations involving power, especially if Pluto is involved. However, Pluto brings change and transformation. Be careful not to step on anyone’s toes.
Jupiter will be in direct motion for some time (September 13, 2020 to June 20, 2021) as it moves through Capricorn into Aquarius and then begins its movement into Pisces. You can see it will make many conjunctions to those with their Sun in these positions over the next several months. It will also make many other aspects including trines and sextiles as well as squares and oppositions during this time as well. Use Jupiter’s energies accordingly. This period can be favourable to many.
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