Transiting (current placement) Mars has been retrograde since April 17, 2016. Mars has been in the sign of Sagittarius and went back into Scorpio during its retrograde cycle. It turns direct in Scorpio at 23 degrees on June 29, 2016.
Mars traditionally is reflective of energy directed outward. During its retrograde cycle, those affected by this transit may have felt stagnated in their efforts and felt as though they had little to no energy. This is particularly true if you have a natal planet in conjunction (the most powerful aspect), square or in opposition to transiting Mars.
The energy is turned inward, which is not a comfortable expression of Mars. You may have felt that you could neither release your inner drive nor could you motivate yourself into a forward direction. You may feel a release of energy once it turns direct again and what previously felt restricted or held back may now come to the forefront and be released. Make sure that the release of these energies is not in an aggressive manner, even if you have felt thwarted in the past few months.
If, for example, you have had a conjunction with the Moon, you could have felt as though your emotions have been on hold or even though you had strong inner emotional reactions to life’s events and situations, you have not been able to release those emotions. This could include wanting to make a change in your life. Your emotions have been so stifled that they has kept you at bay and nothing seemed to have move in the manner you wanted. All you really wanted to do was to express how you felt on an emotion level. After Mars turns direct, you should now be able to express yourself which is what you wanted to do for what seemed like an eternity.
If Saturn has been involved in the equation with this retrograde Mars, this cycle would actually have been to your advantage as you may have needed this time to examine all the details before plunging into some activity. This was a time to examine and review all details to make sure that you were prepare and on a solid foundation before you moved ahead. Saturn normally restricts action and suggests that you build a proper base before you move ahead and your drive would have been held back which gave you the perfect opportunity to prepare. Once Mars goes direct again, you may be ready to move ahead in your endeavours.
Mars is also about sexual energies and sexual drive, and you may have felt as though you were stifled in this area. Perhaps you wanted to pursue a sexual union with someone you were interested in and the events never seemed to play out to allow this union to come together. You may find that once Mars goes direct that things move along in ways that were previously stagnated or held back. Just make sure that your feelings go beyond just a sexual nature and that you actually care about each other. Mars tends to be overly aggressive when it comes to sex and the sexual drive, especially when it moves through Scorpio.
Check to see which house transiting Mars is moving through as this will indicate the areas of life involved in the process. Also you will need to review which houses are involved with other planetary energies and how they may surface or fail to surface during the retrograde cycle and again when Mars goes direct. The placement of natal Mars by house position will also be highlighted. Transiting Mars may pass over planets or significant areas of the natal chart (ascendant and midheaven) three times as it goes through the retrograde and direct cycles making these areas of extreme importance. If Mars stations on a planet or significant point in the birth chart, it will also be noteworthy.
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