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Mars is a quick moving planet and its effects are usually short lived; however, they can be intense. If transiting Mars moves into retrograde during its connection to a natal planet or natal angle, it may pass over the same position up to three times. Usually the first pass of a planet will be the most influential of the three hits that the planet or angle will take. The energies of Mars may last as long as five days over each pass although the strongest impact will be when it is directly on the planet or angle lasting about one day.

Mars is known as a malefic planet although it can also motivate us forward providing the necessary push to help us achieve. Since others are always part of the process when we are speaking about an opposition, we may pursue our objectives aggressively, but it is likely we will have disputes or opposition with others in the process. Plans may not run smoothly and others may object to our aggressive pursuit. The outcome will depend much on the planet involved which in this case we are focusing on Pluto which is often indicative of power struggles. These power struggles can be relentless and may come directly at us with little if any regard for our feelings. It might be helpful to have some assistance during these attempts and in most cases, going it alone is not the best choice.

We may find that we try to override others in our attempt at personal success, sometimes stepping on toes in the process. In doing so, we may feel that everyone is against our efforts and they can easily stifle our progress. However, the desire to push ahead is powerful and relentless, and we may believe that nothing can stand in the way. In extreme conditions, which may suggest connections to Uranus or even Saturn, violent conditions can prevail and dangerous situations can occur. It is best to watch for over-reaction to the energies in place, although this can be difficult.

Review which houses are involved in the equation including the house Mars is found within in the natal chart. This will provide information in deciphering how these energies might play out and what areas of life will be involved.

The general condition of natal Pluto will also provide more information as to how these energies will flow. For example, if natal Pluto is also square to Saturn or in challenging aspect to natal Mars, it might be best to go as easy as possible while still pushing ahead at the same time. The energies of Mars can be quite productive and can work in our favor if we can find a way to release its energies in an appropriate manner.

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