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Transiting Neptune has been moving back and forth into retrograde and then going direct since the spring of 2013. When this post was written transiting Neptune was at 18 degree Pisces. If you have the natal Moon within 5 degrees of this placement, the closer to exact the stronger, then Neptune will have had a profound effect on you or has had a profound effect on you during its contact. You can feel the approach of Neptune up to 5 degrees, and it affects continue until it is 2-3 degrees separating.

Moon in Pisces is a very inspirational placement and most of the people that have this placement of the Moon have psychic inclinations and often prophetic dreams. They are emotionally inclined to receive intuitive information from higher sources and are often visionaries. They are emotionally receptive to the deeper dimensions and attuned to other people’s emotional responses. Many Moon in Pisces individuals have a difficult time removing themselves from emotional interaction with those they respond to. Those with the Moon in the twelfth house will also have some of these influences.

This is an intuitive placement for those so inclined.

With this Pisceans influence, there can be a tendency to live in a dream world trying to escape the harsher side of life, often through alcohol and drugs.

As the Moon governs the emotions, these individuals are wide open to self-examination, although understanding their emotional interaction can be difficult. They have a deep-seated emotional nature.

Neptune is in its own sign in Pisces and is quite comfortable in this placement and when attached to the Natal Moon often brings Neptunian principles to the surface. Many will have an involvement with mystical experiences and practices during this time and undergo emotional interactions with the spiritual realms. If so inclined, this period will often produce profound effects and at times a link to the other spheres of experience not considered the norm.

Neptune will also colour the imagination and because it is linked to the Moon, people with Moon in these degrees in Pisces may have difficulty understanding their own emotional makeup. They may react in ways different than they would customarily react and may become lost in their feelings.

The houses involved with this conjunction will be the areas of life that are affected. If for example, the conjunction occurs in the sixth house, these types of experiences will deal with the working environment, and their emotional health often connected to nutrition. If this conjunction should occur in the fifth house, they may experience intuitive insights into love relationships and children or have difficulties seeing things clearly often putting these people, especially romantic entanglements, high on a pedestal. After the transit has completed its course, they may see this individual in a much clearer light seeing them as they actually are.

If Neptune is clouding their perception and emotional interaction with life, it is best that they have a second look and perhaps wait for clearer perception down the road when Neptune is out of range of the Moon. If they are experiencing mystical insight and emotional interaction in the spiritual realms, this is the nature of Neptune in this placement and they should be paying close attention. Is it telling them something?

Insight, intuition and emotional interaction will be highlighted during this time frame. Much can be learned during this very significant period and these individuals can either rely on their emotional feedback or if they feel unsure then it is best to wait until the cloud of uncertainty evaporates.

Check the aspects of the natal Neptune to see how it is affecting them. If they have many challenging aspects, make sure what they are experiencing is real and watch for a lesson after this transit passes. If their Neptune is well aspected then the insights might be on target.

You should also check to see where their Natal Neptune resides, as the house placement and sign placement will also provide you with details on what is taking place in their life. In many cases the spiritual side of life is awakened and they can grasp its deeper meaning at this time. Use this transit with this in mind.

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