The IC or Imum Coeli ("bottom of the sky" in Latin) is exact opposite of the Midheaven in our Astrology Chart and in most charts (depending on the house system used) is located on the Fourth House cusp.
When Neptune crosses our IC, particularly if it goes retrograde or stations on our IC, its effects can be quite intense, even though Neptune’s natural energies are often subtle in their expression. If it moves into retrograde on or shortly past the IC in our chart, it will pass over the same degree three times until it finally stays direct and moves into our fourth house.
Neptune moves slowly and can have quite a profound effect on us as its influence can last several months and sometimes even last for a few years in one specific area of our chart. We can undoubtedly “imagine” (Neptune pun) its powerful influence and affect.
Neptune is the planet of inspiration, imagination, psychic intuition and deep, profound visions. It is also the planet of deceit, hallucinations, foggy information and its energies can influence the potential misuse of drugs and alcohol to escape the harsh realities of life.
The IC and fourth house have to do with our home and family. Its energies also relate to our roots and early life experience. It deals with our heredity, our origin and when connected with Neptune, our subconscious. We should look at how Neptune will affect the opposite area of our chart, which is the tenth house. The tenth house deals primarily with our occupation, our aspirations in life, the goals we set for ourselves and our public reputation. The tenth house is a very public house, while the fourth house is very private and deals with our most intimate life. The fourth house also deals with the most submissive parent. Some Astrologers say that it identifies the Mother; others say it identifies the father.
Quite often Neptune tends to cloud things and whatever it touches is seldom clear and the direction life will take us in is yet to be understood. When Neptune crosses into the fourth house and particularly when it moves across the IC, the home life is often shrouded and unclear. Perhaps someone in the family is going through a crisis, and we feel the need to offer assistance. Sometimes the home itself is changed or being altered in some way. Some will move during this time, others will redecorate the home. There may be problems within the family unit or perhaps one of the parents is experiencing a stressful situation. We may not be clear as to what is going on in this area of life. Neptune can make things difficult and the road ahead is often not known or we may feel directionless.
Since the subconscious is enhanced by Neptune, this period may bring out early life conditions that have never been dealt with or family concerns that now need to surface. Many will feel confused, even lost during Neptune’s passage into the fourth. If issues come to the surface about the past, it is important to open up and discuss them so that we can clear the air and put them in the proper place once and for all.
We will continue looking at Transiting Neptune on the IC in our next post on July 6, 2016.
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