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Mercury’ energies deal with our thinking process. By sign, it defines different manners of communication and how our intellect operates. Mercury has to do with the way we define our intensions and how we stand as individuals with our own objectives and reasoning abilities.

This is the only planet that actually needs something to stimulate it, as on its own it is neutral in its function. Transits, therefore, play a significant role in how we express ourselves. All natal planets and angles to our natal Mercury take on a role in helping define Mercury’s energies for us, but its sign placement and house position play a big part in how the mind operates.

Pluto is the planet of transformation, regeneration and the uncovering of life’s secrets which were learned through self-understanding and a willingness to go below the surface of matters. When transiting Pluto aspects our Mercury, it opens doors to learning experiences. By the time Pluto has passed beyond its orb of influence on Mercury in your chart, you will have questioned your thoughts and philosophies and probably made major changes along the way.

Pluto’s influence in the natal chart is never a passive one. Its demands for truth often brings out and challenges conditions and power struggles that need to be faced. You cannot ignore Pluto and during this time, your will is tested, your judgement intensifies and you are able to examine anything with great insight. What you dig up may not always be pleasant but what you find will be truth and these truths have to be dealt with.

Do not ignore what Pluto is trying to convey to you. It is important and changes may be necessary in order for you to rise above details and position yourself so that once this transit is over, you have made the necessary changes preparing you for what is yet to come. It is often a transit of magnificent changes and transformational experiences, although possibly challenging in nature.

When working with the energies of Pluto, this transit can be used to your benefit as you dig ever deeper into the meaning of life. It will reveal what needs to surface and offer you opportunities to move above challenging conditions, leave a stagnated situation and in doing so you will have made your mark.

This is a great aspect for self-study and any kind of research can have profound effects. Meditation would be very beneficial and will often open doors that were previously closed. This is a time of honest reflection as well as a time to realistically view life’s conditions. Once you have had the opportunity to reflect, you can make constructive changes that will further growth in the right direction.

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