This transit of Pluto to the natal Moon suggests intense emotional interaction and change in your life. This is a powerful connection and deals with your psychological ability to deal with emotional interactions either with others (people in your immediate environment) or inner dialogue, with the intent of bringing whatever needs to surface out into the open. This is a “feeling” aspect and the energies are not subtle in any way, although the energies may have been hidden up until the conjunction aspect.
The energies of Pluto will bring things to the surface and makes you deal with them. In many cases the things brought to the surface are not easy to digest. If your life has been relatively stable and steady, this period could bring about a state of unrest when transformations are apparent and you will have to adapt to them.
The areas of life that are being affected are determined by the house transiting Pluto is moving through as well as the natal house placement of Pluto. This transit will also affect any area of life determined by others natal aspects to the Moon as these areas are connected and will affect the overall current conditions. If the Natal Moon has many challenging natal aspects then this can be an emotionally charged time in your life. It might be very upsetting and you may find yourself being emotionally abused or mishandled during this time. If the natal Moon is aspected by softer influences, the transformation will not be as challenging.
Sometimes the issues that come to the surface are from early life that were swept under the carpet and have now come to the surface or are discovered by others. Sometimes this can be a private time and the events may only involve you and the other individual involved. There is great potential for transformations on many levels during this time and especially so with family and loved ones. Any relationships that are based on emotional response can be energized during this time.
The Moon is often representative of the home and you may find that you move at this time or you make changes to your residence in a big way. These changes could be structural or a major improvement or alteration occurs within the family residence.
This aspect may be a little upsetting but you should know that the changes that are taking hold in your life are reflective of changes taking place on an internal level. Life manifests according to your needs and the energy you put into different areas of your life. This aspect will be the preliminary steps required to move you in a direction that is necessary from an inner perspective. Do not fight the process. Be sure to come along willingly for the ride. It will be a much more gentle transition that way.
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