As with all transits, the Planet has its strongest effects as it enters into the house and passes over the cusp. Pluto in this position and moving into the seventh house is a very powerful placement as you can well imagine. Pluto’s energy is subtle at first (unless there are other planets that are natally located on this cusp and Pluto conjuncts them at the same time). The effects will vary depending on the energy of the planet on the cusp, but remember, Pluto is all about transformation.
In the seventh house, the main influence deals with transformation within close personal relationships, love relationships or business relationships. Often we experience a crisis or turning point when Pluto moves into these positons and any relationship that is not on solid ground has the potential of coming to an end.
Any and all relationships will require an adjustment and often there will be long held secrets or issues that have been buried in the past that now surface and will have to be dealt with accordingly.
Some will meet people during this time that come into their life and cause change (usually on a grand scale although subtle in the beginning). It usually takes time for you to understand the effects of these people, but in general they come into your life to help you to have a closer look at how you are living your life and especially within the framework of your close relationships.
Some find this period very challenging and will seek professional help. This is often a good thing to do, but you have to understand that no one does the work for you. It will still be in your hands and you will have to make the adjustments. Remember your outer world is a reflection of what is taking place within including personal belief structures and ideologies. If your world is upside down, you may have to make some changes to your life and your pattern of thinking.
These transformations can also deal with open enemies and business partnerships. During this time, you will have to have a close look at how things are running in this area of life. Watch for deceitful behaviour coming from others as you may be on the receiving end or vise-versa you may be the one doing this injustice. It is suggested, however, that you play within the rules of fair play during this time because Pluto is all about struggle and especially when it comes to power. Life has a way of rebounding and putting whatever you put out into the world right back in your own hands. Live life accordingly.
It might be suitable just to live your life under careful scrutiny and make changes to your life as things occur or demand attention.
Any relationships that makes it through this transformation will come out stronger and on a much more solid foundation when this transit moves past this critical degree. It should however be pointed out that transformations are always necessary and one should view this period as a chance to learn a valuable lesson about relationships and make changes accordingly.
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