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This transit of Pluto to Venus can manifest in several ways. First and usually foremost it speaks in terms of love and romance. Second, it can speak of finances, material possessions and in some cases, artistic pursuits.

When it comes to love and romance, it often brings to the surface challenges within an existing relationship that can be dealt with and rectified. It can deepen and bring more security to this relationship as issues are dealt with appropriately. If there are problems, they usually stem from ego and power struggles. They should be recognize as such and then can be faced and dealt with. Sometimes the relationship seems to be running along perfectly and now under this influence it can become even deeper and more satisfying. The relationship reaches a new level of understanding and commitment under this influence.

If this period brings a new relationship to fruition, it may be quite deep and personal with strong sexual energies. The connection may seem familiar instinctively or the dialogue may be very deep and personal. The potential for change and evolution for both individuals is heighten, and this applies to a new found relationship or a long standing one. Pluto transforms, regenerates and speaks of personal change. Its energies can make love relationships profound and with great substance. In general, trine aspects speak of easy flow and a good rapport. This combination brings positive outcomes to life. This aspect is the one we are always waiting for.

If this transit of Pluto to Venus brings financial conditions into focus, then it often speaks of potential increases in this area. Money may be inherited or may come from a marriage or partnership, even through business associations.

Sometimes Venus speaks about creative potential and much recognition is possible at this time. Things need to be brought to the surface and ways to express the creativity must be sought out, perhaps through exhibitions or shows, or through the meeting of influential people. It is a time to push forward with creative insights and let others see what creativity is possible.

Feelings can be stimulated under this influence and with a little push, results can materialize. It is important that anyone under this influence not sit back in reflection even though Pluto will make this easy to do. It is important that they push forward and strive to reach their objectives in life, whether this is creative and/or romantic. The energies are in a good place and they should be use to assist in uncovering what is being searched for.

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