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We look further into the planet of change and disruption --Uranus. Uranus is known as the awakener.

When Uranus is connected to the Ascendant often personal changes are set in motion.

The Ascendant is our expression to the world and often our first reaction when we meet others or something new enters our life. This expression is tempered by other factors within the chart that will affect our overall outer expression but unless our Ascendant is softened or weakened by some other influence, it is a reliable indicator of how we represent ourselves.

When a planet such as Uranus conjoins our Ascendant, others may find a difference in how we present ourselves. If you have a Taurus Ascendant in your Natal chart, for example, which at where Uranus is currently found (2020), your outer expression is one of reservation due to inner reflectiveness and slow reaction. You would be sensitive but keep most of this hidden or subdued and others find you reliable, steady, likely sensual and slow to anger. However, if you are angered, an outburst would not be soft and forgiveness is often not easily found. You, if with a Taurus Ascendant, can hold on to hurts longer than would be advisable and the memory is quite in intact.

When Uranus meets up with our Ascendant, personal change is likely and a new found freedom may be part of the unfolding process. It might happen in a rather sudden manner and be somewhat unpredictable in nature. You may show a side of yourself that no one is used to seeing. You are actually searching for change, although a big part of you resists this as the tried and tested are far safer. However, this may be the time to break free of restrictions and limitations in life. A new direction is at hand.

If by chance you are in your early forties or late thirties, you will be going through or have recently been through the opposition of Uranus to itself. In many cases, this points to not only a change on a personal note but also a change involving partnerships.

Uranus fosters the next phase in life which will, over time, offer greater understanding and a clearer path. Although disruptive and often erratic in nature, Uranus’ energies push you forward so that life is altered in such a way that the path ahead is more defined and fruitful. It may take some time to recognize this but as time passes, the path become more evident and clear.

Check to see where natal Uranus is located in your birth chart to get a clearer indicator of what areas of life will be involved in the process if and when transiting Uranus conjuncts your natal ascendant. The way you represent yourself is up for change. A new you is approaching under this aspect.

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