Transiting Uranus when writing this post (January 10, 2020) is in the sign of Taurus and will remain in this sign for about another 6 years. We will be discussing the square from transiting Uranus to natal Venus. Check your chart to see if this aspect is applicable to you. Allowing an orb of 5 degrees approaching and a separation degree of 2 those individuals with this degree of Venus in their natal chart in the appropriate signs will experience this square at some point in time depending on the degree of your natal Venus. Some of you may be experiencing it now.
Uranus above all else is known as the awakener and rules the sign Aquarius. It is also known for its rather abrupt interchange and freedom seeking qualities. Its energies will strive to push you to make changes to things that have become obsolete or no longer viable in your life. Because of its tendency to create change and disruption, when connected to Venus and by square, its energies will speak in terms of relationships, especially loved ones, and may also be tied to finances and young females of significance.
In most cases, the square aspect suggests tension, challenges and difficulties that must be addressed. This aspect is challenging enough that in many cases will force you to act and find a resolution to the issue at hand. Unlike the opposition which often suggests that the issues stem from others, the square does not lay blame at least in most cases, but what it does insist on is action on your part. The pressure can be overwhelming and can last for a long time due to the slow movement of Uranus through the Zodiac.
The stress of these changes does not necessarily depict the ending of conditions but it does speak of an overhaul and sometimes rather dynamic and drastic change may be necessary. We will often get little hints along the way to make these changes and if we don’t act at some point in time, Uranus can act in unpredictable manners and usually in the drastic fashion we speak of.
The change that is suggested is put in place because we are no longer advancing at all or in the right direction. A change will usually be revealed over time and understood to be what is needed. These changes and new directions although intrusive at times will prove to be beneficial and we will find that they were a requirement of the soul’s path.
The change does not have to be total change but likely there will need to be some major alterations in order for things to move in the right direction.
Uranus is used as a timing device in Astrology and in many cases the days when it is direct will be when something transpires unless you take action before hand (although often something happens anyway around the time when it is direct). Of course, the whole chart needs to be studied very carefully to get a clear and definitive outline of what might be taking place.
The houses involved including the position of transiting Uranus, natal Venus and natal Uranus will provide you with some information as to the areas of life involved in the equation.
You can expect the unexpected with Uranus as its action is not very predictable but for certain you can expect some sort of freedom involved and likely changes taking hold.
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