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Do you find yourself somehow falling short of your expectations and there appear to be very few potential opportunities available?

Are you caught in the crosswinds of change?

Could these feelings of “lacking” or “missing” result from your approach or attitude towards life?

What are your opportunities? Do not limit your opportunity to those you see today. Life continually offers crossroads.

When we feel strife and our options are few, often these are the most opportune moment to discover our strengths. We can learn much about ourselves during these times. We cannot view these moments as times of punishments or weakness. These are simply crossroad. Life is building so we can enter a new phase and with this new phase, we will be offered broader horizons.

How we deal with these opportunities or approach these opportunities is our choice. We must choose to learn and grow and not to look at ourselves as victims but as students.

Believe in opportunities and know that they are in place for growth. Without challenges, we stagnate. We do not examine ourselves and our traits. Without examination, we will never understand ourselves. Limited perceptions or confining points of view stagnate our progress. Out-dated belief structures limit our advancement and only we can free ourselves of these but we have to recognize them first.

Change is always guaranteed in life, and we must change to grow. We and we alone control our advancements or our stagnations.

Our opportunities and creative talents are boundless. There is no limit to our potential if we believe and allow.

There is no need to feel alone, unaided or deserted. There are countless individuals ready to help us with our objectives in life. Some are physical and some are not.

The answers to our next lesson may not be the one that we expect or want. We must not limit our growth by our limited focus.

We can spend our whole life fighting transformation and being caught between expectations and reality. We may believe that life should be offering one thing and due to our expectations, we have failed to see the resolution that has been available to us.

We can step forward at the crossroads to a fuller and happier existence but we have to believe in ourselves and know that what we need is waiting for us.

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