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We have been requested to explain the basics on how to read a birth chart. In one post, we are only able to touch on this but after this read you should be able to check planetary placements in your own chart when we are discussing activity with the planets in our daily posts as they are move through the Zodiac.

The birth chart is basically a snapshot of the heavens at the precise moment of your birth from your specific location on earth. In this snapshot, the planets are frozen in time around the earth and this defines your astrological birth signature. This snapshot will never change although the planets will keep moving around the zodiac after your birth. The continuing movement of the planets is referred to as transiting planets. The planets in the birth snapshot are referred to as natal planets.

As mentioned, the snapshot that your natal or birth chart is specific to your date of birth and your time of birth as well as your location of birth. If you move after birth say from France to Canada, you will have to have what is referred to as a relocation chart prepared. This new place or residence presents different opportunity to you than that which your birth place would have offered. The relocation chart will create a change in your rising sign (the sign coming over the horizon at the moment of birth). The rising sign will change either by sign or degree.

You can go to many different sites on the internet to have a snapshot or chart diagram prepared for you. With our example we will use ASTRO DIENIST at It is a great site with much to offer. Again, you will need your complete birth information. Click on “Free Horoscopes” at the top right. Under “Drawings and Calculations”, select “Extended Chart Selection”. You may have to create an account. It is worth the small amount of time required in the end. Choose a house system (Holm Astrology prefers the placidus system). Ask the programme to add all the planetary placements as well as the nodes (mean nodes), lunar nodes and eclipses. Once you have done this, you can create a print out of the heavens which represented the diagram of your chart. Now when we refer to different planets, houses, aspects, angles, you will be able to locate this information on your own diagram. With this diagram, you are ready to read your chart.

With diagram in hand, you will notice that there are twelve sections with the numbers in the centre. These are the astrological houses. The houses represent areas of life, so when for example we refer to the 5th house, go to the house marked 5 in your chart to see what is happening there for you.

On the bottom left hand side of the print out are the planets (from the Sun to Pluto) as well as the angles (ascendant (AC) and midheaven (MC)). The symbols for the planets are beside the named planets and below are the house placement according to sign, degree and minute. It only shows six houses because the opposite house on the chart will be exactly the same size. According to the symbols, you can see where your planets are at the moment of birth. This will never change, but the houses and AS/MC will change if you move. If the symbols are foreign to you, please visit

When we speak in terms of the transiting Moon for example in our posts (this is not the birth placement for the Moon as shown in your Chart diagram), it is where the Moon is currently located. For example let’s say that the Transiting Moon is in Scorpio at 5 degrees. You can now picture/locate where the transiting Moon would be in your birth chart.

If you go back to, you can again go to extended chart selection and ask for the transits and natal chart. This will provide you with you natal chart diagram but will include the transiting planets for the date you choose. The transiting planets (the transits) will be on the outside of the wheel and the birth placement or natal placements will be on the inside of the wheel.

The coloured lines between the planets are angles which define the separation between these planets and angles in your chart. These angles define what type of energy will be transmitted between these points. We will not go into detail on what these angles represent today as this is far too in depth. We have looked at the various aspects in past posts and you can search each type if you like. The red lines are angles that are challenging and the blue lines are harmonious. However every chart has both and the more challenging the chart is, the more difficult the life lessons, but at the same time the more challenging conditions in a chart, the greater the rewards when we have learned the lesson at hand. Alternatively, the more easy flow a chart may be, the greater the possibility that the person can become stagnant and growth will be minimal. Such an individual when faced with adversity or hard lessons will be devastated by these events unlike someone who is used to facing challenges and knows the satisfaction of victory.

This is just touching on our astrology chart diagram but it will assist you in creating yours so that you have a point of reference when we discuss the many aspects of the Astrology chart. Our posts address varying levels of understanding in Astrology. Holm Astrology website has lots of pertinent material for those that are interested and through search, it is much easier to locate information on or than it is here on Facebook.

Do you want to have a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading. All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a contest to win a free reading on January 1, 2016. Become a member at

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit


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