What have you done for YOU lately? Be honest and ask yourself, plain and simple, “What have you done?”
What answer did you come up with? Have you taken the time for yourself or have you just been too busy?
Each and every one of us has our own personal needs, above and beyond the needs of those that depend on you. You too are important. You might come last in your own order of needs but making time for yourself is important.
Take a moment to spend some time by yourself, to enjoy doing something that you truly enjoy doing.
If it has been a while since you made yourself a priority, perhaps you need to make plans to do just that. Alternatively, go out and do something special on the spur of the moment. It does not have to be huge. It should be time set aside for a little something that will make you relax and enjoy.
If you feel stressed then perhaps your body is speaking to you. In order to be of services to others, you yourself must be in peak condition, mentally and physically. Life is about giving, but giving to self is also part of the scenario.
Whenever you feel stressed (from specific events or in general from life’s duties), take a moment to ask yourself what you could do for yourself that might ease the burden, even if only for a few minutes. Enjoy anything....something...meditation, a walk in nature, a quite bath, sing a favorite song, dance. Whatever relaxes you, take a few moments for yourself each day.
Life can be very busy. We sometimes get caught up in the drama of life and forget that we are supposed to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Live your life to the fullest. Fill you time with selfless service, compassion and love but remember that you too should be the recipient of these things.
Have fun, enjoy life, and find your place on your list of things to do.
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