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Beyond your human vehicle, how would you describe who you are?

Do not define yourself by your accomplishments or what you deem as failures. These are outside of you, so you are neither of these. You are not your character traits, even though this makes up you as an individual. These are learned things, so they are not you.

It is hard to describe who we are (inside, your true essence) isn’t it?

Many of us believe that we are qualities, accomplishments and/or shortcomings but deep down inside we are not these events or learned things. We are much more than these, something more profound. The answer is found within the deepest recesses of our being.

Furthermore, upon reflection what is it that we can call our own?

Many portraits of our personality are painted by each individual that we encounter. We are someone different to everyone we encounter. We are the only one that described ourselves as we do. We are the only one that knows us as we do from every perspective. But, do we see ourselves clearly?

“I am” describes us well although it has little substance even though it says it all!

We want a clear definition of our innate self, our true identity and the core of our being. Would this be spirit?

Does this resonate with what we perceive ourselves to be?

Are we part of the whole?

Are we a whole?

Are we complete?

I guess we will find these answers when we begin to question our identity and our journey and the why behind being here.

For certain, you are more than what shows on the surface and what we identity with which varies from day to day and our experience. We are ever evolving and perhaps the final stage comes on our last day or beyond. Seriously, who really knows!

The door is always open to self-discovery, and it can be found through honest self-reflection and a continued want to understand.

I leave you with this question, “If you were to define yourself what would you say?”

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