On August 11, 2022 we will experience a Full Moon in Aquarius at 19°.
Any planet or angles in your chart that is in aspect particularly by conjunct, opposition or square to this degree and with an orb of no more than 3° will affect you. The trine and sextile also impact this degree but not with the same intensity.
The Full Moon is a culmination point and often speaks of heightened emotion connected often with closure, endings of cycles and relinquishing stagnant or negative energy. What began at the Aquarius New Moon 6 months ago and whatever energy you have put forth over that time is now reaching its harvest period. The sign and house position holds information in how this is unfolding for you.
With the Full Moon in Aquarius the energy may be centered around your friends and associates and the desire is to bring significant change where change is needed. Your ideas may be considered unique even somewhat revolutionary. It is about creating something that is lasting and building towards tranquility and bringing inner balance and peace.
Aquarius is a fixed air sign. The Aquarius full moon is conjunct T Saturn suggesting overcoming some struggles. Perhaps there are obstacles holding back progress or perhaps others do not agree with your approach as it is unusual. The purpose of Saturn is to teach lessons and bring about something that has lasting potential and favors growth. No halfway measures are acceptable and the outcome should always have the betterment of humanity or those around you in mind to create peace and lasting contentment.
The Full Moon is also square to the North Node which is conjunct Uranus suggesting more challenging conditions and although there will be some difficulties in reaching a viable end the energy is strong enough to push you to finalize your endeavor. Remember Aquarius and its ruling planet Uranus are about change and evolution but this needs to take place in peaceful and compassionate ways. It may be somewhat radical but it is likely needed. Love and peace should be what you are working towards and the assistance of others is always number one.
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