A Full Moon is the harvest time of seeds planted during a previous New Moon. It is a time when we reap what we have sown and either advance our cause or make significant changes or maybe even begin anew.
An eclipse adds intensity to what the Full Moon’s energies are about. Many individuals fear an eclipse due to the reputation of bringing a crisis to the surface or creating a significant change. However, it should be noted that these changes or so-called crisis can be quite productive and positive in nature depending how they are affecting your personal natal chart planets and points by aspect.
This eclipse takes place in the sign of Sagittarius which is often linked to growth and learning potential. Sagittarius’ ruling planet, Jupiter, is also tied into the equation and often brings good luck and fortunate conditions into place. An optimistic approach is often highlighted, and it is best to view life’s situations in this light regardless of how life currently looks.
Sagittarius is growth oriented and teaches us about spirituality and religious. Its energies are positive and reminds us that something good is always just around the next corner.
Transiting Mars and transiting Venus join in this eclipse with Mars (the planet of aggression and drive) squares this position at 15 degrees Pisces while Venus is in opposition to the Moon. The square from Mars can indicate some struggles along the way where forceful or assertive energies are in place. Squares indicate obstruction and obstacles to overcome.
Venus on the other hand while in opposition brings romance and relationships into the forefront of what is taking place. Oppositions always involve others and in many cases these individuals are the ones pushing and adding something that propels us into action due to the square from Mars. Squares are irritating enough that they force us into taking some action to alleviate these conditions. Without squares we may stagnate and become complacent.
Much, of course, will depend on the placement of the Sun and Moon by house position while transiting through your personal chart. These are the areas of life that will be part of the unfolding story. Those with planets or angles between 12 to 20 degrees in a mutable sign will be influenced far greater than other people who do not have placements in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
This is a significant placement for those influenced. Those individuals that do not have major factors in their charts this eclipse might slip by with little notice.
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