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Why do we seem to not learn through easier lessons?

Is there some other way to teach us lessons so that we can still reap the full understanding we need to learn?

If we had control over every event in our life, would we shelter ourselves from the full lessons we need to learn and choose an easier path?

Life teaches us what we need to learn, but why then do we fight many of the lessons?

There is little choice when the lessons are presented, and we must adapt to these conditions. They are what they are. Quite the statement, but ultimately this is the truth.

Fighting lessons often serves to make what feels difficult even harder. It may appear in the beginning that we are winning when we are paddling up stream against the rapids but eventually we tire, and the current will take us downstream where you were meant to go in the beginning. Face your kayak of life downstream right from the get-go. Climb in and enjoy shooting the rapids. Ego tells you to paddle against the current but what does this accomplish?

We are well equipped to handle most of life’s events. There are times when we travel in a single person kayak but there will be times when we must utilize a guiding vessel. Call upon the best mates you can to help navigate. A dear friend, trained professionals, our higher self, our guides, and Source are the best shipmates available.

We make the decisions on how to sail through this life by our attitude towards the waters we ride. Attitude and belief structure are key ingredients in resolving issues that enter our lives. When we meet with a trained professional, they do not do the work for us; they guide us to understanding but, in the end, we make the adjustments that are necessary.

Regardless of how we address our journey, we are in control and have the strength required. Work as hard as you need to in order to control your ship. All rapids end and you will enjoy the calm waters once again.

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