Most of us carry within us a deeper belief that something lies beyond this realm of existence.
Those with some sort of spirituality connection believe in deeper realms, some with traditional religious tones, others with more pagan and/or spiritual beliefs. There are also those who are agnostic (neither believing nor disbelieving) and those who are atheist (disbelieving in God or Gods).
Some type of spiritual belief systems can help us through trying experiences.
Many of us believe that something lies beyond this life’s experience and after we pass from this world, we carry on or manifest into the next level of existence. Some individuals have actually experience incorporeality experiences and are adamant that they have personal proof that there is much more than what meets the eye in our earthly existence.
Your beliefs may resonate with others, but this really is not important. You live your own personal existence sharing some of your insights with others, but in many ways, your concepts are your own. There is no need to convince others what we believe or understand to be true. We neither have to prove our understanding nor push it on to anyone else.
Be open to all that is. Do not be afraid to question anything.
Share your insight if you so choose but allow everyone else to embrace their own insights.
Life is fascinating and there are many roads to explore. Walk your road with eyes and mind wide open and explore all that this existence provides. Yours is to learn the secrets of life presented to you and to live your life to the fullest. Every one of us will one day be at the door of transition to incorporeality so enjoy and celebrate all that is available, now in the physical.
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