So, you have been working very hard to achieve your goals, but they are not working out the way you had hoped.
Perseverance and patience are hard lessons but they lead to growth and expansion.
Not only are you learning patience, but hopefully you are also learning how to be calm with this journey (this too can be challenging).
Being agitated or aggressive serves no productive purpose when events are not working the way you had hoped. It only stresses you, possibly hurts those around you and achieves nothing productive.
When we are frustrated, we must take a step back. Recognize the valuable lessons we are learning as everything happens for a reason and utilize these tools we have learned to use. You will find that although things move slower than you may have wanted, you do eventually reach your goals if they are realistic, you did your due diligence and put in the effort required.
Learning perseverance, patience, resilience and willpower and recognizing your own strengths may be the expansive results of your efforts. Know when to advance and stay focused. Know when to be patient and when to address the issue head on.
You will learn much from each journey and goal. You will be better equipped from the lessons learned. Growth and expansion along with valuable insight are often the side-shoots to these more challenging events and goals. Be a patient student and you will certainly gain from your experience.
Holm Astrology not only offers Astrology charts, we also provide individual intuitive card readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.
