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Holm Astrology has been creating "Astrology" and "Food For Thought" posts for over 10 years.  Wix has taken over the Vista Print websites and as a result of the migration of our information, a large portion of our blog posts are currently lost. 


We realize our Astrology posts are vital to our students. 


If you do not find what you are looking for on this Blog page, please visit where you will find our missing blog posts.  There are over 2,660 posts pre September, 2023.

We apologize for the inconvenience but it is worth the jump over to our blogspot.

What will you leave behind when you pass? 


How will you be remembered?


Will these questions matter when we are ready to pass over?


Goals and ambitions are potentially reachable.  They can be relevant and serve a purpose for the time being.  They can bring you satisfaction and a feeling of contentment or provide a feeling of pride.


We are currently living on this earthly plain, and our goals, on some levels, are tied to achievement in the world of material success.  Health, comfort and enjoyment are important factors during earthly life and our achievements, big or small, (Nice home, car, vacations, a secure financial bank account) can build confidence and provide a push to continue reaching higher.


However, as mentioned, on the day you leave this world, none of these things can follow you.  The importance of what we achieved in the financial world dies with us. They only served us well during this life and are temporary.


We can live our lives to the fullest making our mark particularly on the hearts of those close to us. It is never too late to help light the paths of others through caring. Life is in our hands. Live with purpose.
Live With Purpose

What is the impact we have left on others, however? 


This physical life is temporary. Life passes by quickly. Our impact, no matter how small we may think it is, has an effect on others. In some cases, we may have a profound effect. 

Our memory lives on for a couple of generations and then in most cases has little to no meaning after that.  “Now” is what counts.  Now is all we have!


We can live our lives to the fullest making our mark particularly on the hearts of those close to us. It is never too late to help light the paths of others through caring. Life is in our hands. Live with purpose.



Holm Astrology not only offers Astrology charts but also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registrations are now underway for our Beginner’s and Level III courses. Visit for course details and to register. Availability is limited.


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Neptune, the planet of illusion, fogginess, disillusionment, as well as transferrable insight, mystical alignment, vision, and psychic intuition, in square often brings forth vague or ambiguous insight.  This is a time when clarity is certainly not at its peak, and we need to be informed usually by others what exactly is transpiring in our lives. 


Our clarity is distorted because what is in front of us, we might be unwilling to accept.  We cloud our viewpoint because we don’t want to be informed of challenges.  Our objective should be to see things as they are and to not let our imagination run wild or to not allow our minds to bend the truth to fit our wants or perspectives.


Neptune square the Natal Ascendant may have us confused on who we are or the way we should be representing ourselves in public.  Are we being real, or is there some imagined concept that we wish to present to the public?
Neptune Square Ascendant

When Neptune is connected to the Ascendant, this energy is often very important to us and what we are experiencing is open to the world to see.  This can be relationships, but in many cases, it may be about our career, our objectives, goals in life, the home and/or family concerns. 


There are roadblocks in the way and challenges to meet. These need to be met and they need to be met head-on even if what is taking place is unpleasant.


Neptune square Natal Ascendant may have us confused on who we are or the way we should be representing ourselves in public.  Are we being real, or is there some imagined concept that we wish to present to the public? 


Are we seeing ourselves clearly? 


Can we make changes to be who we are? 


Do we know how we want to be perceived? 


These are all questions we may be asking ourselves, and in many cases, this could be our career or home environment or with family. 


If, for example, Transiting Neptune is in the third house, perhaps this is about the way we communicate daily or the way we view our relatives.  Are we in conversation with these people and what can we do to make things clearer? 


If Neptune is in the ninth house, perhaps there is litigation that needs addressing, or travel plans that are not working out as we might wish or perhaps our perception regarding our own personal philosophy on life is going through some alterations because it needs to be more clear and concise.


Much will depend on the house transiting Neptune is moving through and what natal aspects our Ascendant is receiving.  Viewing the whole chart will help define what to expect and how you might handle what is going on.  The natal chart tells the story, and the transits engage the action.



Holm Astrology not only offers Astrology charts but also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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There is a common belief that things happen for a reason.  We may, however, struggle to understand the why behind the circumstances at times.  We try desperately to find meaning behind experiences and lessons. Situations in life can drastically change our path and our future does not materialize as we thought it would.

We can become stagnant in life but are comfortable in our stagnation, so we do not work for anything better.  Life then throws us a curve ball to get us moving, something we cannot ignore and from this curve ball comes change that brings us to a much more fulfilling place in life
Twisted Fate

The why is not always obvious. We may not understand why things happened but that does not mean there is no meaning.  Sometimes, but not always, after the fact, we begin to understand a little more clearly why life went the way it did. 


There are times we just need to role with the punches and accept the new twist in our path and at the same time believe that on some level it will take us to where we eventually need to go. 


Change can be difficult, but the outcome usually puts us in a better place when the upheaval is over. We can become stagnant in life but are comfortable in our stagnation, so we do not work for anything better.  Life then throws us a curve ball to get us moving, something we cannot ignore and from this curve ball comes change that brings us to a much more fulfilling place in life.


What appears to be one of the most dire situations in life can bring about wonderful opportunities or perfect situations we never thought possible, but we may not recognize it as such in the beginning. 


We must accept where life leads us. Certainly, question and review life’s turning points. There is meaning behind every event.  We can choose to adjust, or we can choose to struggle. It is a choice. Focus on your attitude and belief structure. It paves the way on how you will handle life’s lessons. It is our twisted fate.



Holm Astrology not only offers Astrology charts, we also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now under way.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes later in the year.  Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X

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