As mentioned in a previous post Transiting Pluto went direct on October 11, 2023. Today we will While in retrograde, it might have made an aspect to your natal Mercury and now may return and make an aspect again.
Today, we will focus on Transiting Pluto square Natal Mercury.
If Pluto does make a square to your natal mercury and if this is the first contact by square you can think of this time as an intense period of re-evaluating the whole thinking process which might have you wondering about the knowledge you have accepted as truth for some time now.
Your ideologies and concepts may go through intense transformation under this aspect. Because we are speaking about the square aspect, this period (often long lasting) can not only be intense but also quite disruptive and challenging. Conflicts can arise about your beliefs and others may insist on changing your mind. At the very least, you should review your ideas. This is especially true if there are opposition aspects from other transits currently or oppositions to this point in the natal chart.
As mentioned, your thinking process is going through transformations, and this is a good time to review your belief structures and make sure they are built on solid foundations. It is most likely that you will experience changes that affect you in personal ways and that your pattern of thinking adjusts. This can apply to self-knowledge and the control you have in life because of your beliefs.
Don’t worry about what is taking place as you will find that although this might be a tumultuous period lasting about 2-3 years, the changes that are now taking hold will lead you to where you need to go. The thought process needed some challenges to push you out of complacency. Now you are ready to open doors that might otherwise have been closed due to closed mindedness or fixation from the past.
The outer planets, which seem somewhat fated, will push us ahead because change is now necessary. The actions because of their energies can be very disruptive, even causing conflicts and confrontations with others but the potential outcome from the challenges put us in a better position for moving forward.
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