Happy solar return to our Scorpio readers.

Today, we would like to touch on some strong transits that will affect Sun in Scorpio
Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are all transiting in the late degrees of Capricorn, Pisces, & Taurus respectively. Therefore, these planets will be affecting all those with their Sun in the final degrees of Scorpio.
This would have been and likely still is a time when there are great changes and powerful energies taking place in life. The aspects will be affecting anyone with their Sun from 25 to 29° and for those with their Sun in the immediate earlier degrees, you have already gone through what we are about to touch on.
Transiting Pluto and Uranus are both in earth signs; therefore, they are making an opposition from Uranus to the Sun and a sextile from Pluto to the Sun. Once Pluto moves into Aquarius (mid-November) and stays there without retrograde motion, it will be making a square for those with their Sun in the early degrees of Scorpio.
Once Neptune moves into Aries which takes place into 2025, it will be making a quincunx to those with their Sun in the early degrees of Scorpio. These two planets will already be having their energies felt for these people but will intensify as time progresses.
Pluto, a powerful agent of transformation, suggests massive changes of a positive nature and will bring opportunities for those with their Sun in the later degrees of Scorpio. For those with their Sun in the early degrees of Scorpio, the energies are quite different as this aspect is now a square, while the earlier aspect with those in the later degrees is a sextile.
The square presents us with obstacles to overcome in the areas of life indicated by the house positions of transiting Pluto and the Sun. This would likely not be an easy time and change, although quite disruptive and often unavoidable, will, over time, put you where you need to be. It is important to recognize this the energies in place in the initial stages are often not very pleasant. Change is now a requirement from deep within and what you used to hold on to or have will make a giant shift and a new idea or concept or experience takes hold. It will likely take about 2 years to fully understand the reason behind what takes place and the acknowledgement that this is favorable over the long haul.
Neptune in the final degrees of Pisces making a Trine to those with their Sun in the later degrees of Scorpio suggests that although things may not be too clear as to where you might be heading, the changes that affect you will be advantageous as time passes. There may be more insight into the mystical side of life and an unlocking of the door to clearer insight and spirituality of a positive sort. Things just seem to flow and both Pluto and Neptune are making easy and good energies for those with their Sun in the later degrees of Scorpio.
Uranus is also a powerful agent of change but not as dynamic and absolute as Pluto. With Uranus in the last degrees of Taurus making an opposition for those with their Sun in the final degrees of Scorpio, this will likely bring changes and often these changes have to do with relationships and the energy is often brought on by others. Uranus, although it can act in unusual ways and bring sudden and unexpected change, fosters change that is needed because whatever was in place now no longer serves a viable purpose. The soul is asking that you make changes and has likely provided you with a little push in the past, but you may not have reacted accordingly so now its energies are much more abrupt and insistent.
For a deeper insight into what these energies might mean in your particular chart, contact your Astrologer for personal details as the full chart must be reviewed for a total clear picture as this is a general look at the stronger aspects to Scorpio.
Transits for those with Sun in Scorpio indicate powerful change ultimately all favourable for Sun in Scorpio when the dust settles. Again, happy solar return to our Scorpio readers.
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