Are you unwilling to bend or open to suggestion?
There is nothing wrong with having an opinion and believing in yourself. In fact, it is highly beneficial to move forward in life with confidence.
It is just as important, however, to be open to growth and learning more. Do not be so confident and sure that you close yourself off from further growth and understanding. If everyone else is wrong and you are always right, there may be some ego interference.
Being wrong and learning more is not a sign of weakness. Admitting that you were wrong should not make you feel less in any way. It is a sign of maturity and strength.
Being fixed in your opinions is fine but have respect for others’ opinions as well. No one needs to prove their intelligence, strength, importance, etc. to anyone else. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, and your beliefs are your own.
Be open in life. That is the only way we can grow. Being right or wrong does not diminish or increase who you are. You don’t have to prove yourself to others. Let go of ego interference and know that you are not your thoughts, you are the one listening and because of this you have choices.
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