There are periods in life when everything seems to be working out perfectly. These are times for celebration, to acknowledge our blessings and be appreciative. These blessings should never go unnoticed or appreciated. Focusing on these draws even more attention to them.
Do not take anything for granted. There are so many in our world that can only dream of what many of us take for granted.
When life is bountiful, be sure you recognize it as such. Focus on your bounty not what you feel is missing.
Many of us live wonderous lives and should recognize that many others live in tumultuous circumstances around the world.
Can we help those less fortunately than ourselves?
Appreciation can open the door to more and with more we are able to share. We are our own creators through our focus. Life will dictate but attitudes form our response to life. What is your response?
Can you do something that will help make someone else’s life easier?
This is your time to act. Be the agent of positive change in our world.
Each of us can create small changes in our little corner of the world and together we can create ripples that affect everyone. It works out perfectly.
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